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How to Pay

1. Receive the quote - Once you accept the quote, our sales team will contact you to confirm payment and shipping details.

2. Choose a payment method - We offer two payment methods: wire transfer and PayPal. For orders over $100 USD, we recommend wire transfer. For orders less than $100 USD, we recommend PayPal.

3. Pay by wire transfer - If you choose to pay by wire transfer, our sales team will provide you with our bank details. Please provide the necessary information to your bank to complete the transfer. Please note that wire transfers may take a few days to process.

4. Pay by PayPal - If you choose to pay by PayPal, our sales team will send you a payment request via PayPal. Follow the instructions provided by PayPal to complete the payment.

5. Confirm payment - Once we receive payment, our sales team will confirm the payment and process your order.

6. Receive the component - Once we process your order, we will ship the component to you. You will receive a tracking number via email so you can track the shipment.

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