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Validation of ZETA: A New LPWA Network through Asset Tracker Testing

Published : 2023-05-24 11:27 | Views : 87

Socionext and Techsor, two Japanese companies, recently conducted a successful demonstration of their ZETag asset tracking modules, showcasing the capabilities of ZETA technology, a low-power wide area (LPWA) IoT sensor network operating in sub-GHz bands.

The ZETag modules, based on ZETA technology, offer efficient performance in LPWA applications. These chips operate with 1.8-3.6 V and have low power consumption, with a standby current draw of <= 5 uA and 20 mA when actively transmitting at 10 mW with a 1 kbps data rate. They provide a range of 3-5 km.

The tested ZETag utilized the SC1330A, a ZETA LPWA large-scale integration (LSI) IC jointly developed by Socionext, Techsor, and ZiFiSense in 2021. Following indoor and outdoor asset tracking tests, Socionext and Techsor concluded that ZETA technology delivers significant cost reductions for LPWA, along with improved speed, range, and reliability.

LPWA networks like ZETA play a crucial role in the IoT ecosystem, catering to low-power, small-data applications. ZETA LPWA employs "Advanced M-FSK" modulation, enabling data rates between 20 bps and 200 kbps with high receiving sensitivity of up to -149.2 dBm. The ZETA LPWA devices can communicate from moving platforms at speeds of up to 120 km/h. This technology offers three times the data rate of traditional LPWA products or improved sensitivity at similar data rates.

Socionext's ZETag is a self-contained implementation of the SC1330A LSI, equipped with a battery, antenna, temperature sensor, and accelerometer. The ZETags were attached to computer monitors in Socionext's Kyoto office, covering a vast area of 3,700 square meters across two floors. The two-month project monitored movement and ambient temperature, with ZETags programmed to transmit data at specific intervals or when movement was detected. Socionext's visualization platform, based on Microsoft Power-BI, analyzed the collected data. With onboard processing power and data packets of up to 50 bytes, various sensor types can be integrated into the system for environmental or location-based tracking.

The successful indoor and outdoor demonstrations validate the range and versatility of ZETags, opening up possibilities for asset tracking applications in handling facilities and beyond. These tags, combined with receiving stations, can replace less reliable barcode tracking systems. Their non-line-of-sight capability enables efficient tracking without the need to unload vehicles or shipping containers.

The SC1330A single-chip IC, housed in a compact 4 mm x 4 mm QFN package, features a 32-bit RISC-V CPU, signal processor, GPIO, I2C, SPI, UART, and external interrupt. While currently designed for one-way communication, two-way communication versions are expected in the future. Pricing details are not available at the moment, but the SC1330A is positioned as a cost-effective option compared to older LPWA alternatives.

Socionext and Techsor's demonstrations showcase the enhanced capabilities of ZETA LPWA network for IoT sensor networks. The SC1330A serves as a solid first implementation of ZETA technology, with more advanced chips on the horizon. STMicroelectronics, among approximately 40 Zeta Alliance partners, is actively working on ZETA LPWA applications and has incorporated ZETA LPWA into its STM32WL sub-GHz wireless MCUs. The widespread adoption of ZETA LPWA has the potential to revolutionize tracking, monitoring, and control across various domains, from household devices to industrial pipelines.

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